Where do I fit in? What exactly has the association done?

While the association has formed and established some initial goals, leadership, and direction, there's much input needed, and many jobs to fill. Please contact us to get involved - we'll find a way you can help that suits your time and skills!
Since mid-late 2016, here's the progress that has already been made towards initial goals to establish the association:
Since mid-late 2016, here's the progress that has already been made towards initial goals to establish the association:
- Informal Assessment - COMPLETE
- Host For Meetings - COMPLETE
- Boundaries for Neighborhood - COMPLETE
- General Community Invitation For Participation - COMPLETE
- First Meeting to Organize Interest - COMPLETE
- Resident Survey - COMPLETE
- Mailing List & Initial Meeting Follow Up - COMPLETE
- Naming of Association - COMPLETE
- Register Formally with Town of Irondequoit - COMPLETE
- Board Leadership voted upon by May 5 (most initial board seats have been identified, but there's an opportunity to get involved still)
- Constitution & Bylaws - RATIFIED
- Fundraising Event - COMPLETE - Raised $546.66 - thank you for your support!
- Formal Incorporation with NYS and Federal Tax ID Number - COMPLETE
- 2017 Tap Takeover - COMPLETE
- 2017 Rochester Marathon Spirit Contest - CO-WINNERS with other Irondequoit Neighborhoods
- Joshua Park Neighborhood Enhancement - Playground Equipment - COMPLETE
- Street Captain Re-Engagement to assist in gaining contact information of neighbors - IN PROGRESS
- Planning & Execution of Annual Events, One-Time Projects, and Good Neighbor Programs - IN PROGRESS
- Monthly Board Meetings & Quarterly General Meetings - IN PROGRESS
- Establishment of Finances for Neighborhood Initiatives - IN PROGRESS
- Ongoing Communication
- Literature Drops to Residents on Association Progress & Plans
- Annual Event Surrounding Rochester Marathon Day
- Welcome Baskets for New Neighbors